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County offers more grants

Carlton County has been provided nearly $700,000 in Covid-19 relief grant funds from the state to distribute to eligible businesses and nonprofits hurt by the pandemic. Applications and guidelines will be available online (www.co.carlton.mn.us) and at Carlton County Courthouse on Feb. 1 and applications will be accepted through Feb. 15.

The grant money comes from a second round of relief funding from the Minnesota Legislature. Small businesses and nonprofits with up to 50 employees will be eligible, particularly those affected by the most recent shutdowns or who missed the last round of grants.

Grant administrator Brenda Nyberg said there won’t be minimum or maximum award amounts for this round of Covid funding, versus the grants awarded in December (which maxed out at $7,500). In the first round, a CARES Act committee approved a total of $369,000 in grants.

County employees handling the loans are Brenda Nyberg: 218-384-9564, [email protected]; and Mary Finnegan: 218-340-5240, [email protected]