Lake Country Power will hold director elections this spring. Director ballots for Districts 1, 3, 5 and 9 will be mailed to co-op members between March 26 and March 31.
Individuals running for the LCP board in or near Carlton County include the following District 9 candidates:
Larry Anderson, Esko
Paul Horgen,
Sturgeon Lake
Kevin Maki, Saginaw
Lake Country Power will use a hybrid election process for members, offering the opportunity to vote online or by mail. Voting instructions will be included with the mailed ballots.
The LCP annual meeting will be held virtually via Zoom at 5 p.m. April 15. Instructions to join electronically (or by phone) will be provided on the official annual meeting notice.
Lake Country Power,, is a Touchstone Energy cooperative serving parts of eight counties in northeastern Minnesota. The rural electric cooperative provides services to nearly 43,000 members and has offices located in Cohasset, Kettle River and Mountain Iron.