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Wright/Cromwell News

The Rev. DeeDee Haines was guest pastor at Bethlehem and Bethany June 27. She is the daughter of Marvin and Pat Kempi. Marvin and his brother Danny used to own the bakery in Cromwell and made the famous Cromwell Cinnamon Toast, which was invented and distributed by Einar Letty for years. DeeDee was back in the area attending the Kempi family reunion.

Wrong Days is scheduled for July 16, 17 and 18 at the Wright park in Wright. Vendors and more volunteers are welcome, just call Linda at 218-380-8987. Spaces are available. Contact me if you are willing to run for king or queen this year, 218-357-2385. Kids, youth and adults are welcome to run.

Wrong Days buttons are now available. We are looking for volunteers to go around and ask for donations for prizes for the button drawings, which will be held after the parade Saturday. The 10th annual Kaleb Anderson Glow Run/Walk is scheduled for 7 p.m. on July 3.

There will be a stand-still parade 10:30-11:30 a.m. Saturday, Sept. 11 at Cromwell Park Pavilion. The theme this year, the 20th anniversary of Sept. 11, is “Remembering 9/11.” Patriotic themes are encouraged. Float prizes are $100, $75 and $50. Contact Deb Switzer at 218-340-1968. There is no entry fee, but advance registration is requested for staging purposes. All types of entries are invited, including businesses, clubs, political campaigns, old cars, tractors and so on.

The Cromwell Area Community Club sponsors the local Cromwell Sings contest for the Minnesota Sings event. The CACC has already paid the registration fee. Participants should contact Ann Markusen for more information, 218-428-3300. Award winners may also be able to get a stipend toward hotel costs during the state competition.

After trying to get rid of a lot of stuff in my living room, I discovered that I have a beautiful, working, electric organ with two keyboards. I guess I knew I had it, but with all the stuff piled on the top and in front of it, it was hardly visible. Anyway, if you want it, just call me at 357-2385 and come and get it.

Our sympathy to the family of Clyde Nelson, 97, of Tamarack who was laid to rest at the Round Lake Cemetery June 26. His memorial service was held at the Round Lake Presbyterian Church, which was adorned with many of Clyde’s woodworking projects. His family is publishing a book of memories and stories he shared with them over his lifetime. Contact his family if you’d like to order the book.

A beautiful funeral was held for Wanda Burnor, 83, of Midway Township June 21 at her home church, Augustana Lutheran.

Aurelia Hemmila had the misfortune of falling in her home at Carefree Living and injuring her neck, and so will be wearing a heavy neck brace for the next four months.

And have you noticed that Ray Lally has a new smile and a new set of dentures? He spent the last several months going back and forth to the dentist getting a few teeth pulled at a time, getting impressions taken, and waiting for the dentures to be done. Then, finally, on June 21, after thousands of dollars, he got a new set of teeth. So, now he can honestly say he put his money where his mouth is. Anyway, they look great, so keep smiling, Ray.

That’s all the news from The Edge of Wright. Have a great week, and have a very happy and safe Independence Day.

Send your local news to [email protected] or call 218-357-2385.

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