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Our View: Bask in festivals as summer throbs on

Late summer means community festival time all around Carlton County.

We have Brickyard Days and the Free Range Film Festival in Wrenshall; Carlton Daze in Carlton; Wrong Days in Wright; Esko Fun Days in Esko; West End Flourish in Cloquet’s West End and, of course, there’s the Carlton County Fair.

We encourage everyone to participate in these community-building events, especially as we emerge from isolation due to the recent pandemic. It’s a good chance to meet with your neighbors and have a little fun at the same time. There’s very little commitment — just show up whenever you want, stay as long as you like, and spend as much as you can afford. There’s usually something for everyone — kids’ activities, fun runs for the athletes, vendors for the shoppers, and food, music, and activities for all. Much of it is outdoors, so there’s less worry about spreading germs, including Covid, although we still urge people to be cautious.

We also salute those who put in all the work to pull off these events, usually starting months (if not more) in advance, and taking care of all the details that go into an event that benefits the community, usually with no personal gain for themselves. These festivals don’t simply happen on their own. Someone has to get the permits, ensure the activities are scheduled, hire the musicians, provide toilets and water and first aid and everything else that goes into a party that attracts hundreds or even thousands of people. It’s often a thankless job, so we’re here to say: For the people behind the scenes making these events possible — thank you.

And we applaud local businesses who donate time and money to help support these events. No one realizes how often small businesses get hit up for donations for just about everything, and we know it’s a struggle for many to donate in this time of economic recovery, which makes their financial support even more helpful. We also know there’s usually very little direct benefit to those donors. We appreciate you, small business and others who financially support these events. Know that you are helping make our community connected.

So, Carlton County residents, enjoy your community’s summer festival, and if you see one of our reporters aim their camera at you, smile and wave.