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Letter to the editor: Drive carefully, please

Almost 20 years ago, my daughter, her unborn son and my sister were killed in a car accident. Another daughter survived with life-changing injuries. People say “time heals,” but my reality is heartbreak that never goes away.

So when on the news I heard a Minnesota State Patrol trooper talk about the increased fatality rates on our highways due to speed and selfishness, I was motivated to write.

The road is a place we share on life’s journey. It is a place where we all make mistakes — where we don’t know which way to turn or can get lost — where we all need to forgive and give each other a break (brake) — to allow space. It is not a place to “make up” time, or prove something.Time and life are gifts.

Driving is a privilege: There is no room for selfishness.

Let us always be courteous and drive respectfully and kindly.

Irene McKay,
