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Wright/Cromwell news

The Farmers Cooperative board of directors welcomed Doreen Warner to the board Aug. 17 at its reorganization meeting. They say a fond farewell to Scott Ferry for his years on the board and thank him for his dedication to our store. The next regular meeting is Sept. 21.

Community yoga meets 11 a.m.-12 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30 at the pavilion. There is no session Sept. 6. Yoga resumes Sept. 13. Cost: $3, gear provided. Questions, call Ann Markusen 218-428-3300.

Our sympathy to family and friends of Audre Goranson, 94, who died Aug. 16. Her memorial service will be held at Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright Friday, Sept. 3. The full obituary appears on Page 9 in today’s Pine Knot News.

Our sympathy to the family of Helvi Nelson of Tamarack, who passed away July 10 at Riverwood Healthcare Center in Aitkin, shortly after her husband of 72 years, Clyde, passed away June 4, also in Aitkin.

Bill and Judy Haapoja will be at the Villa Vista 6-7 p.m. Monday, Aug. 30. The vaccinated public is welcome to attend.

Cromwell mayor Sharon Zelazny let me know that the Cromwell community sweet corn patch is now open. This joint effort was by her, her family and city employee Tom Johnson. It will be open 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Because of some night visitors (raccoons) it has to be secured at night. Stop in and pick some fresh corn for supper. The corn patch is located behind the city hall.

Scott Hakamaki sends this heads-up: Someone is stealing catalytic converters off vehicles in Carlton County. At his business, several exhaust systems have been sawn off. Please pay attention and report suspicious activities in the area to the sheriff’s office. It’s sickening that some people are such callous thieves.

The Cromwell Area Community Club met Aug. 10 at the Pavilion with 18 members present. The treasurer’s report was presented by Brenda Nyberg; she stated recent receipts include $325 from Northview Bank for parade and medallion hunt prizes, and a $14,000 donation from Takeda, Derek Nyberg’s company. An updated membership list was distributed; there are now 42 members. Kim O. reported that the website, cromwellareacommunityclub.com, is now up and running. Some members commented that it looks very good. The next CACC meeting is 6 p.m. Sept. 2 at the pavilion.

I will be leading worship at 5 p.m. Saturday, Aug. 28 at the Tamarack Presbyterian Church.

One hundred years ago this month, Franklin Roosevelt was stricken with polio. Polio killed thousands of kids and left survivors struggling to breath or crippled for life. The United States has been polio-free since 1979 because of — you guessed it —vaccines. That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright.

Send your news to me at [email protected] or call 218-357-2385.