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Wright/Cromwell news

Lakeside Community Center will be holding a mojakka supper 4:30-8 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 13 at the Bethlehem Lutheran Church in Wright. Raffle proceeds go toward insulation of the Clubhouse; there will also be two homemade quilts for a silent auction or raffle. Please come and join this endeavor.

Bethany Lutheran in Cromwell will hold its annual holiday bazaar Saturday, Nov. 20. Browse and Buy is 9-10 a.m., followed by the auction. Crafts, white elephant items and baked goods are featured. Donations are also welcome.

The Caring Christmas program is now in full swing. Donation jars are out, and so are raffle tickets for purchase at area businesses. Call Pam at 218-357-2042 to donate or make a referral. Referrals will be taken through Dec. 1. The raffle drawing is Dec. 6. The Caring Christmas gals really appreciate all the community support, as it makes Christmas great for so many kids.

There will be a community tree lighting ceremony and hayride at Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright starting at 4 p.m. Sunday, Nov. 28.

In city news, Mayor Sharon Zelazny reported the Oct. 23 Prescription Drug Take Back Day at the fire hall was a huge success; a large trash can was filled, and this will become an annual event.

The Soderbloms are moving ahead with the apartment building, doctor’s office and physical therapy office building project; a required public meeting was held 5 p.m. Nov. 5. Jen Anderson met with design people regarding the park grant. The hardware store sale is at a standstill due to an error in the closing process involving old liens against the property; this is being worked on. Brenda reported Chilloween was a successful event; it was crowded, with lots of families, kids and older kids receiving more than 200 goodie bags. $231 in donations was received and used for prizes; we didn’t ask businesses for donations this year. $732.08 was spent on supplies, and there is a balance of $494.95 for next year. Cleanup was a problem, and hiring/having a cleanup committee for next year was suggested. Rocky volunteered to handle the fall gun raffle drawing Nov. 20 at the Muni. Raffle tickets are still available in area businesses or from members. The Nov. 5 CACC hunters’ supper at the Pavilion was a success, with 50 takeout orders and 150 in-house meals served, and it’s said the food was “terrific.” A huge thank-you to all the volunteers it takes to put on this event. Kim removed dead flowers and decorated some of the pots with pumpkins, etc., which look very nice. The next step is to decorate the town with winter decorations. We were approached by Ron Jokimaki about sponsoring a dance in December. Members expressed interest; a date has not been set. The Santa and Mrs. Claus event will not be held this year due to Covid, since the whole idea is to have pictures of kids with Santa. The next CACC meeting is 6 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 2 at the Pavilion. Meetings in 2022 will be held the first Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. at the Pavilion.

Our sincere sympathies to the family of George Legueri, who died just five days after his wife, Alice, on Nov. 3, 2021. His funeral was held Nov. 6 at St. Francis Catholic Church in Carlton. Alice’s funeral was held Nov. 5. May they both rest in peace.

Our sympathies to the family of Tari Roe, 68, of Cromwell who died Oct. 30, 2021. A memorial service was held Nov. 4 at Atkins Northland. May her memory be held dear.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Stay safe.

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