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Wright/Cromwell news

Using American Rescue Plan money, an action committee of residents and city officials in western Carlton County has been formed for the Minnesota Highway 73 reconstruction in Cromwell. The goal is to encourage the Minnesota legislature to help fund reconstruction of an 8-mile stretch of Highway 73 south of Cromwell. The decades-old section has been funded several times in the past but work has never been done. Money has been siphoned for other projects where more people are affected. The road has deteriorated and is unsafe.

There is a considerable amount of truck, recreational and local traffic on the road. It will only get worse as we attempt to get more businesses to make our local economy viable.

The action committee is requesting letters from individuals, businesses, and organizations that express a need for the project. Send letters of support to federal and state legislators representing the area.

Sen Jason Rarick, Minnesota Senate Building, Room 3411, St. Paul MN 55155;

Rep. Mike Sundin, 417 State Office Building, St. Paul MN 55155;

U.S. Sen. Amy Klobuchar, 425 Dirksen Senate Building, Washington DC 20510;

U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber, 461 Cannon HOB, Washington DC 20515.

Many years ago, when I was teaching fourth grade, I had my students interview older adults. One student interviewed Hulda Hill and as part of her story, she said she was older than Highway 73 and in better shape, too. I never forgot that one, as the road is still in tough shape and she never lived to see the improvements that were and are still needed. Let’s write those letters and get this done.

At the annual meeting of Bethany Lutheran Church, the following people were elected to the church council: President, Rob Switzer; vice president, Wanda Karppinen; secretary, Deb Switzer; and treasurer, Terry Smith. Annual reports are still available at the church.

Bethlehem Lutheran will have its annual meeting at 11:30 a.m. Sunday. A potluck lunch will follow the meeting.

“Get well” wishes go out to Gil Kinnunen. Cards can be sent to him at 1715 Livingston Ave Apt D, West St. Paul MN 55118-5937.

Cards can be sent to Ray and Alice Gurske as they are now living at Edgewood Assisted Living, 4195 Westberg Road, Room 114, Hermantown MN 55811.

There is going to be a special Valentine’s Day dinner at 6 p.m. Feb. 12 at Bethany Lutheran Church in Cromwell. The menu includes soup or salad, baked chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, dinner roll and dessert. The evening will include entertainment. Tickets are $15 in advance. Contact any Extreme Team youth, Liz Kabus (218-428-6733) or Sarah Levinski (651-246-9003) for more info.

There are still some of the Extreme Teens Youth calendars left as well.

There will be a blood drive at the school on Feb. 18. Call Trudy at 218-740-1542 to register or gather more information.

Our sympathy to the friends of Chris Hogue, 37, who I heard passed away recently. If anyone has any further information, please let me know. He and his sister Teresa attended Cromwell-Wright about 25 years ago and lived in the old Kinnunen home on Highway 73.

That’s all the news from “The Edge of Wright.”