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Letter to the editor: Child with Covid is a big scare

If you or a family member or friend have not been adversely affected by Covid, consider yourself very lucky. My worst nightmare as a mom and grandmother was that one of my kids or grandkids would become very sick from Covid. Well, that nightmare came true recently.

Our youngest grandchild, at 6 months old, became extremely ill as a result of Covid. Luckily, her mom was aware of her difficulty in breathing and brought her to a pediatrician who wanted our grandchild to go immediately to the emergency room at Children’s Hospital in St. Paul. After a trip to the ER, the hospital had no intensive care beds available. Our grandchild was transported via ambulance to another hospital. Imagine how scary it is as a mom to be following an ambulance with your child inside.

Our grandchild entered the ICU with 100-percent respiratory failure and was extremely close to being intubated. With the help and knowledge of the medical team, she gradually improved after six days and she was able to return home.

Remember, our youngest population is still unable to get vaccinated. Young kids from infants to age 5 rely on the adults in the community to make the wise and scientific decision to get vaccinated. The vaccines and science behind them is real and has been proven to be effective.

Julie Johanson,


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