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Letter to the editor: Sheda is not alone

I would like to respond to the article “One-man battle on petition continues” regarding the Wrenshall schools.

First, Tony Sheda isn’t the only one who’s upset with how things were handled with the petition costs.

The next statement that upsets me was the comment that when people went door-to-door, community members were upset about how the board appointment was handled. Not one person came to our door.

I was also told (it was implied) that I had no business discussing the petition as I have no children in the school the day I stopped at Hugh Line Park when they were collecting petitions. Both of my children attended Wrenshall from kindergarten through 12th grade, and I taught there for 27 years. In addition to this, my husband and I have lived in the district for 51 years. I feel that we had every right to speak.

I felt this person was trampling on my First Amendment rights as was Unite Wrenshall as they blocked me from their website because I expressed my views.

Therefore, I feel that Mr. Sheda has every right to do what he is doing and has done.

Carol Anderson,
