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Barnum Board settles teacher, superintendent contracts

After approving a two-year contract with the teachers union, Barnum school board members expressed their relief that the process was over and that negotiations went well.

“Things went fantastic,” board member Jamie Fuglestad said.

Board chairwoman Jessica Unkelhaeuser listed the terms during the meeting Tuesday, April 19: 1 percent in steps the first year, 1.25 percent in steps the second year, a sick bank was created with language changes, and there were other language changes.

The board also approved a Shared Service Agreement between the Barnum and the Willow River districts for two years in sharing superintendent services.

The Barnum district would be paying the Willow River school district for the services of Bill Peel, a half-time superintendent.

The agreement stated that the superintendent’s time would be split 50-50 between the two districts. It was suggested that the superintendent spend three days in one district one week and two in the other and reverse the days in the school districts the following week. The superintendent shall have the flexibility when adjustments are needed.

Both school districts must maintain full-time elementary and high school principals. The Barnum school district will also be involved in the superintendent’s annual evaluation.

Amendments to the agreement may be made from time to time. Any party to the agreement may withdraw by giving a one-year written notice.

In order to accommodate Peel’s attendance at the board meeting, the June meeting of the Barnum school board was changed from June 21 to June 14.

Applications for an elementary principal have closed. There are 10 candidates who will be interviewed on April 27 and 28.

The board approved giving the staff a retention bonus in one lump sum of $1,000 each in fiscal year 2022.

The finance committee had recommended that the bonus be paid at the rate of $500 a year for fiscal year 2022 and fiscal year 2023. Several board members suggested that it be paid in one payment instead of two. That was approved by a unanimous vote.

It was explained that the bonus was a thank-you to the staff that had to adjust their teaching methods because of Covid-19 restrictions, such as teaching by e-learning.

There were reductions of teachers for Spanish, physical education, high school math, social studies and science.

A full-time teacher was added to the elementary school to enable three sections in kindergarten, third grade and fifth grade. That teacher’s salary will be paid with Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief funds, allocated to address the impact of Covid-19 on K-12 on students.

The board approved a one-year leave of absence for special education teacher Ann Finifrock for fiscal year 2023, and the resignation of Nicole Biondich, a teacher in the school district for 19 years.