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Election Day around the corner Nov. 8

The long months of campaigning are peaking now, with Election Day on Tuesday and both local and national candidates trying to reach people who have yet to vote.

Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 8. There are polling locations in the cities of Cloquet, Carlton, Moose Lake, Scanlon, Wrenshall and Wright. Townships with polls include Atkinson, Automba, Barnum, Blackhoof, Eagle, Lakeview, Mahtowa, Moose Lake, Perch Lake, Silver, Silver Brook, Skelton, Thomson and Twin Lakes.

Voters in Cloquet’s Ward 2 should head to the Cloquet Public Library to vote rather than Garfield School, a change since 2020. Other Cloquet polling places include: Ward 1 - Journey Christian Church; Ward 3 - Cloquet City Hall; Ward 4 - Cloquet Armory; Ward 5, precinct 1 - Our Redeemer Lutheran Church; Ward 5, precinct 2 - Fond du Lac Head Start.

Carlton County auditor/treasurer Kevin DeVriendt is feeling confident about the election. The public accuracy test “went off without a hitch” Tuesday, and the staff at the auditor/assessor’s office are very good at what they do.

Early voting has been increasing steadily recently, DeVriendt said.

“Between mail and absentee, I’d guess we’ve seen about 3,000, compared to 11,000 in 2020,” he said.

DeVriendt said people can’t bring the campaigns to the polls with them on Tuesday. That means no signs, and no T-shirts or hats emblazoned with any candidate names that are on the ballot. “All that should be covered or left in their vehicle,” he said.

Advance voting

If you haven’t yet voted but want to vote before Election Day, the Carlton County Auditor’s Office is open for early voting today (Friday) from 8 a.m.-4 p.m., Saturday from 10 a.m.-3 p.m. and Monday, Nov. 7, from 8 a.m.-5 p.m.

Those who live in precincts with a polling place can drop off absentee ballots at the courthouse until 3 p.m. on Election Day, but otherwise must vote at their polling place. If you have already mailed your absentee ballot, you can check to see if it’s been accepted or not at https://mnvotes.sos.state.mn.us/AbsenteeBallotStatus.aspx.

Mail-ballot voters will either need to return their ballots using the postal service, or by dropping ballots off at the courthouse through election day. There are no ballot dropboxes in the county, so voters will need to arrive during business hours.

Anyone who lost their mail-in ballot or who wants to vote in person Tuesday may register and vote at the courthouse from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day.

Mail-ballot precincts include the cities of Barnum, Cromwell, Kettle River, Wrenshall and Wright. Mail-ballot townships include Beseman, Clear Creek, Corona, Holyoke, Kalevala, Progress, Red Clover, Sawyer, Split Rock and Wrenshall.

Voter registration

If you’re not already registered, you can register to vote at your polling place on Election Day, but be sure you have the correct documents to register. These include an ID with current name and address, or a photo ID plus a document with current name and address such as a bill, lease, student fee or start-of-service statement due or dated within 30 days of the election.

Questions? Find out more at http://www.sos.state.mn.us or call the auditor’s office at 218-384-9127.

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