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Letters: I'm disappointed in board actions

After reading the latest articles regarding the process utilized to fill my board seat, I am deeply saddened by the actions of the Thomson Township board.

It’s obvious mistakes were made. It appears some of the mistakes were theirs, some the township attorney’s. Regardless, I ask that both parties own these mistakes so the community may move on with them.

I served in this seat for six years with the same veracity and passion that characterized my decade of service in the Marine Corps. I believed in openness.

Even if they thought a closed session was legal, it was the wrong thing to do. I ask that they please refocus to a transparent end.

The most frequent comment I received from supervisors while serving on the board was about the value of the new and fresh perspective I brought as a new face. The board has not seen many new faces.

I challenge the board members to think outside their comfort zones and choose a fresh face that can bring further new perspectives to the board and community.

Jason Paulson,

Former Thomson Township supervisor

Editor’s note: Paulson sent a version of this letter to the town board.