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Wright/Cromwell news

Congratulations to the fourth graders of the Cromwell-Wright School on collecting $1,906.29 and six large boxes of non-perishable food items for the Tri-Community Food shelf. They exceeded their goal of $1,200 and they thank everyone who participated by donating.

On April 6 Tony Bastien came and spoke with the eighth-grade health class about his job as an narcotics and substance abuse investigator in Carlton County. He talked about the different types of drugs present in Carlton County and the dangers related to them. The presentation concluded a drug and alcohol lesson.

There will be a blood drive at the Cromwell-Wright School from 11 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Tuesday, April 25. Call Trudy at 218-740-1542 to sign up.

This year's Drug Take Back Day will be at the firehall in Cromwell on April 22. Drop off old or unused medications 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.Anyone is welcome to join yoga at the Cromwell Park Pavilion from 11 a.m. to noon every Monday. $3 a person. Gear provided. Questions? Call Ann Markusen at 218-428-3300.

Dorothy Maxine Peterson, 83, of Superior, died on April 2. She was born Sept. 14, 1939, in Wright to Lloyd and Louise (Hotchkiss) Harp.

In the totally useless information department: The interstate highway system requires that one mile in every five be straight. These straight sections were designed to function as airstrips in times of war or other national emergencies. Also, the Boston University Bridge is the only place in the world where a boat can sail under a train moving under a car driving under an airplane.

And, just a note to let readers know that I have been diagnosed with low-grade breast cancer. I found out on March 22 after discovering a lump on the right breast a month or so ago. I went in for a mammogram and a biopsy right away so found it early. I had an appointment with a surgeon on April 6 and another appointment with an oncologist on April 19. I'm just playing the waiting game now. I'm not too worried. If it was really bad, I would already be in for surgery or treatments. Please keep me in your prayers.

That's all the news from the Edge of Wright.

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