A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Wright/Cromwell news

The highway is now closed between Cromwell Lake and Island Lake, and should be finished by July 26. There is a detour to the north and the south, so watch for signs. Work on the box culverts on Woodbury Lake and the one over the river in Wright will then start on July 31 and last for 31 days.

Remember, the 58th annual Wrong Days in Wright starts today, July 14, with the steak fry, pie sale, St. John’s rummage sale, and O-G-N-I-B (“bingo” spelled backwards). The parade is at 10:30 a.m. Saturday, followed by button drawings and the usual Wrong Days events.

Save the date: There will be a pop-up local craft shop 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 20 at 5565 Highway 210 in Cromwell. Shop local artists to support our area artists and craft enthusiasts. To be a vendor, email [email protected]. Hosted by Cardinal Chiropractic Center.

My cancer journey is now well into three months of chemotherapy and other medical procedures. I had an ultrasound this past week and the tumor has shrunk from 4 centimeters to 3 centimeters. Good news, but my red blood cell count is low, so I will have a blood infusion this week. Hopefully, that will give me more energy, as I get extremely tired. Then one more chemo before I meet with the surgeon for further recommendations. I guess all I can say is things are going well, and it’s mostly a waiting game now. Thanks for all the prayers, cards of encouragement and good deeds.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Welcome home for Wrong Days in Wright, July 14, 15 and 16.