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Wright/Cromwell news

Because of Labor Day weekend, I had to get this news out earlier than usual so thought I’d bring you up to date on my medical issues. I’m back home now for a few days. I’m wearing a drain for my mastectomy, which has to be emptied two or three times a day. I have to record the amount of drainage so the doctor can tell when it’s time to remove it. The drain on my colon was taken out during the mastectomy, so at least I have only one to worry about. Now I have to wait for the doctor’s report on the lymph nodes. Hopefully, no more cancer. But if there is, then I’ll have more chemo and/or radiation. I also have neuropathy in my feet and fingers, caused by chemotherapy. I can feel my feet, but they also feel numb. And I have been having pain in my legs probably due to arthritis. They ache a lot and I do take pain meds, but it’s something I’d rather not have to deal with. The mastectomy doesn’t hurt, and I haven’t had much or any pain with that surgery, which I am thankful for. My balance is off, too. I must be so careful walking so I don’t fall, which I have done twice recently. You’ve all heard the saying, “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!” so that’s where I’m at.

The annual Harvest Fest will start with the steak fry on Friday, Sept. 8, with the usual events on Saturday, Sept. 9. (See the ad on Page 19 for more.) There will be a community worship service on Sunday, Sept. 10 at the Cromwell Park Pavilion. Fellowship, coffee and muffins at 9:45 a.m. precede the 10:30 a.m. worship service.

Ruby’s Pantry will visit the Cromwell Park Pavilion 9-10:30 a.m. Thursday, Sept. 14. Shares are $25.

I’m sure most of you have heard of Lake Country Power’s Operation Round Up, where you can round up your bill to the nearest dollar each month and help fund local community programs. Since October 2004, LCP members have donated more than $3.1 million to these programs. I know that in our area alone, thousands of dollars have been given to deserving projects and programs. Check it out, and sign up for the program if you haven’t already; a signup form was included with the most recent billing. The most you will donate is 99 cents each month, and some months you donate less than 10 cents.

The Women of Bethlehem Lutheran in Wright will be having a rummage sale Oct. 6-7, so start collecting your donations. Be sure the items are in good condition and still useful.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright. Hope you had a great Labor Day weekend.