A hometown newspaper with a local office, local owners & lots of local news

Some numbers to ponder

We here at the Pine Knot News hear from readers every day about how they cherish a local newspaper that covers what’s going on right here in Carlton County. We never take those sentiments lightly and pride ourselves on offering a newspaper in print and online that puts the community first. It includes having an office here and being on the ground every day exploring what’s happening in your own backyard.

Newspapers are important. And you, dear readers, are not alone. As we celebrate National Newspaper Week Oct. 1-7, digest these recent findings about how people across the country feel about local news providers like the Pine Knot.

• Americans remain hungry for reliable, accurate local news and information. A 2023 study conducted for America’s Newspapers by Coda Ventures found that 8 out of 10 Americans still get news and information from local print or digital sources every month. The survey included a nationally representative sample of 5,000 respondents.

• Nearly 220 million American adults turn to their local newspapers regularly for news and information they need to stay informed, feel more connected to their neighbors and improve their lives and communities. That’s 74 percent who believe that it is important to have a local newspaper provide community news and information.

• The survey notes that when people say they “read the local newspaper,” they’re referring to any number of print and digital platforms where they can easily obtain news and information about their communities. Those ages 18 to 39 cite social media as their preferred means of accessing local newspaper content while those age 40 to 74 prefer getting local news via a news website. Those age 75 and older are almost evenly divided between preferring to read a home-delivered paper and reading a news website.

• Local newspapers and their websites are relied upon more than any other source of information about public notices and government, the study says: 55 percent vs 24 percent for government websites.

• Survey respondents consistently said they prefer newspapers in print and digital formats over TV, radio and social media as their main source for news and information important to them.

• Almost six out of 10 Americans use newspaper advertising to help them decide what brands, products and local services to buy.

• 84 percent of American adults — or 218 million — can be reached through print or digital newspapers every month.

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