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4-Hers show off horse skills

Eight 4-Hers from Carlton County participated in the Minnesota 4-H state horse show Sept. 15-18 on the grounds of the Minnesota State Fair in Falcon Heights. There were 608 participants from across the state demonstrating skills and knowledge in hippology (showing knowledge and understanding of equine science and husbandry), horse judging (study of an animal, measuring it against an accepted ideal), horse training and achievement, speech and demonstrations about interest in horses or the horse industry, showmanship and drill team skills.

The Minnesota 4-H Horse Project teaches about show, trail, and endurance riding; testing horse knowledge at quiz bowls or on judging teams, and studying horse science. Participants either own or lease their horses, and there are options for prospective participants who don't have their own horses.

"These experiences contribute to their success in school, community, and futures," said Extension Educator Renee Kostick, who manages the horse project in Minnesota.

Kendra Jurek earned a first place in Ranch Pleasure riding. Miranda LaTour was second in Jumping Figure with her horse. Other participants in the show were Ella Heaton, Riley McNamara, Kearia Coleman, Ellie Danger, Cora Berger, and Aviana Bergstrand.