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Letter to the Editor: Dotseth is fighting for us in District 11A

I’m writing on behalf of Rep. Jeff Dotseth’s bid for reelection as representing Minnesota House District 11A in the state legislature. Jeff has firmly stood behind and represented the values of voters in our district.

Unlike the ruling party in St. Paul, Jeff advocated to control state spending. He fought to return the $17.5 billion budget surplus to the pockets of the taxpayers. Instead, the Democrat-controlled legislature voted to increase state spending by a significant amount, eliminating the surplus.

As a business owner, Jeff knows the importance of hard work and the need to manage and balance one’s resources to achieve one’s goals and ambitions.

As a husband, a father, and a grandfather, Jeff has experienced the joys, challenges and responsibilities of forging family values to obtain a better future. Jeff upholds the dignity of life: for the preborn, for the disabled, for the mentally challenged, and for the elderly. Jeff is one of the legislative watch dogs trying to protect our First and Second Amendment rights of freedom of speech and freedom to bear arms for self defense. Efforts to undermine these freedoms that are guaranteed to us in the U.S. Constitution were included in several measures being considered in legislative committees last session. Jeff was working hard to protect these freedoms.

I urge all voters to carefully consider the important issues that impact our lives and pocketbooks and vote for Jeff Dotseth in the election this November.

Eric and Lynn Hofstad,
