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Kettle River news

There will be an appreciation potluck supper for the Kettle River fire department and EMT members at 4:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 2 at the Kettle River senior center. Contact Laura at 218-565-0418 if you plan to attend and tell her what you will bring, so we can make sure we have a variety of food for the event. You can also contact Laura if you have any questions.

The “Fun in Kettle River” activities (The Country Club) has new hours. Come for fellowship at noon, enjoy refreshments and games, and share ideas about current events. Meet new friends, stay as long as you can. This event is held at the Kettle River Senior Center, and there may be some outdoor activities when weather permits. Call 218-340-6518 if you need a ride.

The Moose Lake Library used book sale is Friday and Saturday, June 14 and 15 at the arena. Donations can be brought there on Wednesday and Thursday, June 12 and 13. More details later. Do not bring donations to the library.

The next Kettle River city council meeting is 7 p.m. Tuesday, April 9 at the Kettle River Senior Center.

One year, my brother, a third-grade teacher, was going to attend a fancy school function and was ready to go in his nice black suit. Then he decided to put a spool of white thread in his pocket and draw a small amount through his pants and wait for someone to pick that small white thread off his leg. Imagine their surprise when the thread just kept coming.


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