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Wright/Cromwell news

I was able to attend the Floodwood’s graduation on May 31. This class has been very special to me, as I have subbed for them since kindergarten. When you are a substitute teacher, you follow them all the way through their school years, and many of them become special friends. I’d like to share the following poem with them and all our area seniors:

To the Class of 2024:

I’m glad I was your teacher,

and I will miss you so.

I can’t believe the end is here.

I hate to let you go.

Remember all the things we did

and all the fun we had.

But most of all remember,

you’re a very special grad.


Our sympathies to the family and friends of Irene Olson, 98, of Moose Lake, who died on her birthday, May 24. Irene leaves her 10 children, Duane, Darold, Dwight, Terry, Karen, Linda, Gary, Curtis, Kevin and Todd, and many, many grandchildren.

Our sympathies to the family and friends of Kay Heittola, 84, who died May 6. Kay went back to school at age 24 after the birth of her first child and graduated with the class of 1963 at Cromwell High School. A noon memorial service June 14 will be at Hamlin-Hansen-Kosloski Funeral in Moose Lake.

The Cromwell-Wright Area Fire District is proud to introduce Greg Eliason as their new fire chief. Greg has been an EMT/firefighter for the past 14 years and also served in multiple officer roles as their training officer.

There are new store hours at the Wright co-op for the summer: 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and

9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sundays. Save time by shopping locally.

Yoga is held Mondays at 11 a.m. at the Cromwell Pavilion.

The hummingbirds are back, so get your feeders out.

There is an opportunity to attend free community meals this month in Cloquet: June 9, Our Savior’s Lutheran Church (612 12th St.), taco bar; June 16, Our Redeemer (515 Skyline Dr.), deli sandwiches; June 23, Cloquet Senior Center (1100 Olympic Dr.), Sloppy Joes; and June 30, Veterans Park (732 Ave.), chicken Caesar baguettes. All meals are served 4-5 p.m. Questions or rides, call Charity at 218-409-2606.

A special report on May 27 on Fox 21, “Knowing Your Neighbor: Esko Band Director” honored Rich Mowers, a graduate of Cromwell-Wright School. Congrats to him and his whole music program for two decades of teaching. He’s featured in the Esko graduation pictures on Page 3.

Wrong Days in Wright are coming up. The 59th annual celebration is the weekend of July 19. I’m compiling a list of kings or queens of the festival and need info on these years: 2002-2005, 2010-2013, 2019-2020, 2022, and 2023. Please let me know by calling 219-357-2385, 808-366-6582, or email [email protected].

As part of the Wrong Days celebration this year, I am holding a contest for the person who brings in the oldest festival button and also for who can bring in the most buttons — no duplicates. We are trying to get a complete collection of buttons for next year, which will be the 60th annual Wrong Days celebration.

That’s all the news from the Edge of Wright.

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