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Could a 'normal' winter be store for the region?

After a few winters of abnormal, the weather experts are seeing perhaps a good old-fashioned winter ahead this year.

The National Weather Service forecast office in Duluth has provided a preliminary look at what winter might have in store for the region. The office expects to have a more defined outlook in mid-October when its Climate Prediction Center releases information. 0

For now, the Duluth office is looking at a weak La Niña weather pattern developing later this fall and winter. Historically, such a weather pattern creates a dry and warm fall with a “rather abrupt change to winter weather,” the office reported.

A weak La Niña often brings colder than average temperatures and around average to slightly above average precipitation to the region during the winter, the office said.

The past two winters have been anything but normal, with record snowfall in 2022-23 and not much snow at all last year.