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Letter to the editor: Dotseth has done many things for us

It was appalling to me that this newspaper printed three opinions in their Letters to the Editor section last week that were all one-sided and did not print any for our hard working Rep. Jeff Dotseth. It’s also not surprising since Jeff’s opponent owns this newspaper. The opposing party must be getting very nervous about losing the race.

I have known Jeff personally for the last six years. He is hard working and wants to represent everyone in his district. Jeff has worked tirelessly, despite the one party rule the last two years, to make life better for all the constituents in his district.

He authored and coauthored several bipartisan bills. Some of his achievements include a bill that modifies parent custodial rights among other rights; and one that involves temporary continued property insurance after death. He helped pass legislation approving $17.5 million for Western Lake Superior Sanitary District; $10 million for construction of the Carlton County Justice Center and female offender facility; $5 million for Cloquet’s water infrastructure; and passed a bill to examine the reopening of the tree nursery in Willow River.

The state had an $18 billion surplus four years ago. The DFL party, with their majority trifecta, recklessly spent this surplus and then turned around and raised our taxes $10 million more. Jeff has worked hard to try and keep taxes down, despite this unchecked spending of taxpayers’ hard-earned money.

Under DFL control, there was mismanagement of Covid-19 funds and unaccounted spending of these funds.

We need accountability in our government on all levels. Jeff will continue to work hard to improve the permitting process for businesses so we can keep our businesses and their good paying jobs here in our state and in our district. He will work to pass laws that will prosecute criminals and lower crime rather than let them run free. He will work to lower taxes, especially gas taxes, so we can keep our hard earned money to feed our families. Higher taxes means higher inflation.

I strongly encourage everyone to vote to re-elect Rep. Jeff Doseth on or before Nov. 5.

Candy Kramer,


Editor’s note: There were no letters of support for Rep. Jeff

Dotseth sent to the Pine Knot News for the Sept. 27 issue. Dot-seth’s opponent, Pete Radosevich, is one of five original investors in this newspaper. Since announcing his second run for representative, he has had no part in any operations at the Pine Knot.

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