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Barnum School Board Candidates (elect 4)

Louis Bonneville

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

My family and I have been in ISD 91 for 70-plus years, I have a child in the elementary school and grandchildren who will attend. As a member of the board the last 3.5 years, I’ve served on the negotiating and facilities committees. I volunteer helping students learn the trades.

What made you decide to run for Barnum School Board this year?

Our children. Also I see education changing and would like to be part of the solution to keep ISD 91 as a front runner.

What do you think is the top issue facing the school district and how would you like to see it addressed?

The first is funding, as an aging rural school, the revenue collected from local levies and the state does not keep up with inflation. The solution would be to think outside the normal box and increase enrollment by having good reasons for kids to move into the district or open enroll to ISD 91 to better their education experience

Elaborate on something you think the Barnum school district has handled well over the past two years.

Building better leadership within the school district.

Declining enrollment in small and/or rural districts is a growing issue. How can schools both remain solvent and provide good education and programming?

Be conservative when setting the budget, and not wasting taxpayer funds. Be open and have proactive communication with the taxpayers for student needs. Try to build better community involvement.

How do you feel about consolidation or greater collaboration with other school districts?

I feel there is a need to collaborate with other districts to fulfill the greater needs for our students’ education.

Why should people vote for you?

My leadership in doing the right thing for our students, and community. My votes for approving the budget, facilities, and any other issues speak for themselves. I will continue to be a voice for our students. Also we only have one candidate other than previous board members running, people in our community need to get involved.

Beth Dinger

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

My family has lived in Barnum for 18 years. We have daughters attending Barnum High School so I have a vested interest in the district’s success. Additionally, I am a teacher with expertise in the field of education. Finally, as a current school board member, I have experience and training.

What made you decide to run for Barnum School Board this year?

I am passionate about the Barnum District and providing students with a quality education.

What do you think is the top issue facing the school district and how would you like to see it addressed?

Financial stability is a huge challenge. The census shows a reduction in the number of children in our district for the next several years. It is difficult to remain solvent and continue to provide the same quality education and opportunities for our students when our enrollment and funding continue to decrease. As a school board, we have begun addressing this challenge by reaching out to neighboring school districts and collaborating to save money while still providing students a quality education. In addition, we have begun looking at other ways we can garner higher enrollment, including offering online options. I plan on continuing to pursue and encourage initiatives that will draw students to the Barnum district, including online options and our nature preschool.

Elaborate on something you think the Barnum school district has handled well over the past two years.

The Barnum School District has done a better job maintaining a balanced budget and working toward the Board goal of maintaining a general fund balance of three months of operating expenses. We need to be responsible stewards of taxpayers' money, and we have done a good job of finding creative ways to continue to provide educational opportunities for our students while still balancing the budget.

Declining enrollment in small and/or rural districts is a growing issue. How can schools both remain solvent and provide good education and programming?

As I mentioned previously, as a school board, we have begun addressing this challenge by reaching out to neighboring school districts and collaborating, including sharing staff in various roles. By sharing teachers, it allows us to offer more academic options to our students while also appealing to teachers who want full-time employment by splitting their time and cost between districts.In addition, potentially offering online options would provide additional opportunities and electives for students.

How do you feel about consolidation or greater collaboration with other school districts?

I feel that greater collaboration is becoming a necessity for school districts to remain solvent. Enrollment is decreasing in many schools in the area, and mandates at the state level are making it difficult for smaller, rural districts to continue to provide a quality education and maintain a balanced budget.

Why should people vote for you?

I am a qualified candidate who is passionate about the success of the Barnum District. I conduct myself professionally and respectfully, am responsive to constituents, and am able to make tough decisions, including putting my personal feelings aside, to make the best decisions for the future of the district.

Stephanie Ferrin

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

I’ve been a resident of Barnum for almost 10 years. I am the mother of 4 kids, with two graduated and two still at Barnum. I have been working as a substitute teacher for the past 8 years. I am also a professional tax preparer, working on my Enrolled Agent designation.

What made you decide to run for Barnum School Board this year?

I want to finish the strategic planning work that we have started. I am passionate about keeping Barnum a strong district moving forward.

What do you think is the top issue facing the school district and how would you like to see it addressed?

The top issue facing our district is declining enrollment. For several years now, the kindergarten class coming in is smaller then the graduating class each year. We will have to be creative in our approach to keep Barnum a strong growing district. The status quo approach will not keep us viable long term. We have addressed this issue so far on the financial/budget side through collaboration, which has kept us on track with our budget without having to make as many cuts in staffing. We will have to address this as part of our strategic planning and look at longer term solutions. Some of these options could include merging districts and/or creating an online school, which could increase enrollment beyond geographical limitations.

Elaborate on something you think the Barnum school district has handled well over the past two years.

We have handled our budget well. We have have had a budget surplus each of the past two years, allowing us to replenish our fund balance and be much closer to our fund balance goal. We have also been able to continue providing excellent education and extra curricular activities due to our dedicated, devoted and talented staff. Student test scores have stayed above average and are the second highest among all area districts.

Declining enrollment in small and/or rural districts is a growing issue. How can schools both remain solvent and provide good education and programming?

We have managed to address this issue in our district already through collaboration. We will need to continue to address this issue through sharing staff, merging at the district level, and/or providing online options to enhance enrollment beyond our geographic location. And continuing to be a leader in providing high quality educational opportunities, strong extra curricular options and other opportunities will attract students to our district. It will be critical to be a leader in these areas and our strength will help us to maintain and grow our enrollment.

How do you feel about consolidation or greater collaboration with other school districts?

We already collaborate and will look for additional opportunities. We will have to consider consolidation as a potential option. As a leader, you have to be open to considering all options to provide the best educational and other opportunities for the students.

Why should people vote for you?

I’m a leader who puts the needs of the students first. I’ill always advocate for what is best for the students, even if it means backlash. Regardless of the outcome of the election, I will continue to do everything I can to serve and help the students of the Barnum schools.

Mike Orn

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

Retired correctional institution administrator, chief financial officer, parent and foster parent, experienced non-profit board member.

What made you decide to run for Barnum School Board this year?

Ensure fiscal responsibility, fight to maintain traditional values and core programs, focus on academic excellence and not social re-engineering, find ways to generate more community participation.

What do you think is the top issue facing the school district and how would you like to see it addressed?

A state government and department of education forcing agendas on districts without consent or consideration and approval of the residents of the district. The district must have the control to provide and equip its students as it sees fit to be prepared and competitive to enter adulthood. Instruction and funds should focus on academic excellence, basic arts, sports, trades, etc. Reenforcing age-appropriate traditions and customs that have made our communities and cultures great for over a century should be the mainstay. Districts are not to burdened with enforcing agendas of sheltered elitists that most of the community does not support, especially when those agendas have nothing to do with academic excellence.

Elaborate on something you think the Barnum school district has handled well over the past two years.

Provided an outdoor preschool class, loved by both students and parents.

Declining enrollment in small and/or rural districts is a growing issue. How can schools both remain solvent and provide good education and programming?

Districts can and should seek more shared services and or partnerships with neighboring districts. Reduce its “bricks and mortar” footprint by potentially eliminating a building and or share facilities with neighboring districts.

How do you feel about consolidation or greater collaboration with other school districts?

Rural districts have no choice but to collaborate at a minimum and even possibly consolidate in the future.

Why should people vote for you?

If elected, I will fight against social re-engineering with all means possible. I believe academic excellence is above all else. I will fight against unfunded mandates. I will fight against tax increases and first seek alternative funding streams and or consolidated services. I oppose biological males competing in female sports.

Patrick S. Poirier

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

My wife and I have been married for 23 years and have raised all four of our kids in this district. Two are now in college and two are in the high school. I have served on the Barnum School Board for a total of 14 years.

What made you decide to run for Barnum School Board this year?

I enjoy being on the Barnum School Board and its challenges. I’d like to help integrate some of the technological advances into our rural district.

What do you think is the top issue facing the school district and how would you like to see it addressed? (limit 125 words)

First challenge is money. The state has been "good" about increasing public school funding but it's never enough. Rural districts struggle to offer students electives as they don't have the compensation to pay for those extra teachers. We are always at a disadvantage being so small, so we have to create opportunities for our students.

Elaborate on something you think the Barnum school district has handled well over the past two years.

The district has done a great job in balancing the budget and increasing wages to those working in the district. They have been responsible in the construction project over this past year staying within budget and saving some tax payer dollars by working as a team to come up with alternative solutions.

Declining enrollment in small and/or rural districts is a growing issue. How can schools both remain solvent and provide good education and programming?

It takes a "village" to help give our students a great education. I think we all learned during Covid that some students learn differently. I think online schooling should be an option in all districts but as a rural district it is very difficult without the help of that "village" to be creative and help make it happen.

How do you feel about consolidation or greater collaboration with other school districts?

It's great to collaborate with other districts. Barnum is doing this now with Willow River: sharing a superintendent, business manager and social worker. It benefits both districts as it saves thousands in salaries. This past year we aligned our schedules so we can perhaps offer our students more educational options.

Why should people vote for you?

This community knows who I am and what my values are. I graduated from Barnum in 1996 and consider ISD 91 "my" school. I take great pride in being a Barnum Bomber and value the traditions of this school district.

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