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Wrenshall Council Candidates

Steven Studniski

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

I am currently employed at Sappi Paper in Cloquet as a Maintenance Superintendent. I have been in a leadership role for the last 16 years.

What made you decide to run for Wrenshall mayor/city council this year?

My wife and I have attended several city council meetings and we often find ourselves frustrated with how our tax dollars are being spent.

What do you think are the top two issues facing the city of Wrenshall and how do you think you would go about tackling them.

Transparency is one. I would like to see issues handled with the public present, not in special meetings while the community is at work. No special meetings. Everything needs to be handled during the scheduled council meetings.

Not listening to the public. When the whole community comes together in support of a certain topic and the council does not listen to them it is frustrating. I plan to listen and vote how the community wants, not by my own prejudice.

I also think more effort could be made to highlight our community in a positive way to bring in new families and possibly more businesses. I see a lot of opportunities for growth.

Elaborate on an issue you think was handled well over the past two years.

I cannot think of one. Ambulance/EMS from Carlton County was not managed well. Informing city employees they cannot use the local gas station is unacceptable.

Why should people vote for you?

I plan to be neutral, listen to residents, and only vote for what they feel is best for the community. I want to make our community a better place. I would like us as a community to welcome all newcomers and make them feel they are part of the community.

Cindy Washenesky

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

My name is Cindy Washenesky. I'm running for a position on the Wrenshall City Council. I have lived most of my life in the Wrenshall area. I have been a member of the Wrenshall Planning Commission, before it was disbanded and Wrenshall Community Education Advisory Council for 25-plus years.

What made you decide to run for Wrenshall mayor/city council this year?

I would like to see our community grow and work together. Get our school more involved in what is happening with the community and visa-versa.

What do you think are the top two issues facing the city of Wrenshall and how would you go about tackling them?

There are no major issues that I am informed on. I would like to see more unity and not singling people out.

Elaborate on an issue you think was handled well over the past two years.

I am currently new to the City of Wrenshall and am not aware of things that happened in the past two years.

Why should people vote for you?

I want voters to know that I will work for the community. I will try to bring a common sense approach to civic matters. If there is a problem, I will listen to both sides and make a decision and not table it for the next month.

Sabrina Weber

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

I am employed by Cenovus Energy in Superior, WI as a Rail and Terminal Operations Assistant. And volunteer for the City of Wrenshall Fire Department as an Emergency Medical Technician and Fire Fighter. I enjoy working behind the scenes to help make things successful.

What made you decide to run for Wrenshall mayor/city council this year?

I want to make sure that the residents and businesses are being treated fairly and that there is transparency in the operations of the city.

What do you think are the top two issues facing the city of Wrenshall and how would you go about tackling them?

Issue one: lack of transparency. I would make sure the residents and business owners in the city of Wrenshall know what is going on and ask for possible investigations or resolutions about issues they see.

Issue two: treatment of residents unfairly. I would like to be able to speak to a resident or business owner about a potential ordinance violation and find out what changed in their situation that is not allowing them to stay within ordinance requirements, before issuing violations or threatening letters.

Elaborate on an issue you think was handled well over the past two years.

Even though reactive, I am pleased that the City Council adopted an ordinance regarding chickens on private property for sustainable reasons for the public.

Why should people vote for you?

I am the type of person who sees things from a distance and isn't afraid to do research to make sure the decisions that are being made are right for the City, its residents, and businesses.

Kevin House

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

I have lived in Wrenshall for 19 years. I traveled a lot for my job and never had the opportunity to get involved with the city or community in the past. I've owned three businesses over the years and understand what goes into running a business and working with others.

What made you decide to run for Wrenshall mayor/city council this year?

The city has had many issues to deal with the past few years. I felt I needed to try to be a part of the solution.

What do you think are the top two issues facing the city of Wrenshall and how would you go about tackling them?

a) Restoring and promoting confidence in our community: I decided I wanted to be a voice of reason, watch the bottom line and work for consistency and clarity in policy and planning for the future of Wrenshall. b) Taxes and Infrastructure: I would like to help make responsible decisions in spending the city money and yet trying to improve our streets.

Elaborate on an issue you think was handled well over the past two years.

I know the current council was trying to uphold and follow policies, procedures and ordinances. That can be a very difficult task when there are many things to consider when making those difficult decisions. I believe the council did the best they could do with upholding existing rules and following state guidelines.

Why should people vote for you?

I would like to be the ears for the community, meaning I would be there to listen to your concerns. I would represent all residents and keep an open mind on all issues brought to the council.

Melvin M. Martindale (I)

Briefly summarize your personal background and qualifications.

I am currently on the city council, and am aware of the city's needs. I work well with the council and there is no partisanship within the council. The city's needs come first and foremost.

What made you decide to run for Wrenshall mayor/city council this year?

I'm running this year to hopefully protect the city and its integrity on all matters.

What do you think are the top two issues facing the city of Wrenshall and how would you go about tackling them?

The city's infrastructure is getting old, and needs to be updated. We are working with our city engineer to acquire funding for the sewer and road updates. Money is tight, and of course taxes continue to rise.

As a city councilor, I am aware of the financial responsibility to our citizens. We have to keep our personal views and wants out of the decisions made by the city. As a councilor, the needs of the city are always front and center for our decision making.

The two top issues the city is facing right now is updating the sewer and making the streets safe for our children and all citizens of Wrenshall. We are currently working on the Safe Routes to School program and are trying to secure funding for more sidewalks on Broadway and Goad road, as well as Alcohol road.

Elaborate on an issue you think was handled well over the past two years.

Over the last two years we have gotten some of our roads repaved, plus the park has new equipment and has been designated as the trailhead for the bike trail. We have also gotten about half of the sewer lined to help preserve it until we can replace it. All while trying to keep the costs down and tax increases to a minimum.

Why should people vote for you?

I feel people should vote for me because of the experience I have had on the council. I am not politically inclined. I look out for the city's best interest.