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Letter to the Editor: Freedom of speech applies to signs, too

My campaign sign was stolen last week. I had driven into Duluth to get the sign and I had to use my pick up as it was a fairly large sign. I placed it in a spot that was out of the way but in a spot where people could see it. It was not improperly placed on the road right-of-way. It was my land and my sign so I thought that I should be able to express my preference for the candidate of my choice without any concerns.

Somebody else presumably with a difference of opinion from mine thought something other than I did.

I wonder what that person was thinking? If it was to somehow make the country safer, were they not by the very act of becoming a thief, making America less safe?

Or maybe they just don’t like the candidate? Don’t we live in a society that is a democracy and everyone is entitled to their own beliefs?

I will be putting up another sign when I get a chance. I will either make one myself or drive into Duluth to get another. Perhaps I will put up two. I have seen other folks put up campaign signs that have security lights and cameras so that their signs are protected from possible vandalism or theft. I briefly thought about doing that with my sign, but I believe that we all live in America. I hope whoever stole my sign reflects on that as they drive by my new signs and can come to the realization that everyone’s opinions are important — not just theirs.

Steve Schulstrom, Wrenshall

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