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Letter to the editor: Remember, driving is a privilege, not a right

During one of my law enforcement ride-alongs, I heard an officer advise driver that “if you don’t want to give the State of Minnesota any more money, slow down.” This comment resonated with me.

I surmise that most folks who speed and disregard other traffic controls are the “Law and Order” type. Yes, this includes local elected officials and legislators, who have blown right through controlled intersections.

Since I became a school bus driver and returned to being an active first responder, my attention to driver behavior has increased. I have seen drivers distracted watching and talking on the phone. I hear calls for service for what could have been preventable only if the driver was driving the speed limit or for conditions or not distracted by a phone.

I have heard fellow bus drivers report stop arm violations because of distracted driving.

Do you remember that as a driver, you need to stop behind the stop sign or the thick white line at a traffic light? Once you have accomplished a complete stop, then you can continue forward.

I have discussed this issue with a former deputy and current patrol officers. Let’s work together to ensure folks are going home the way they left.

Leave the need for speed for the county fairs and the car races.

John Peura, Moose Lake

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