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Letter to the Editor: Say 'no' to Stauber

U.S. Rep. Pete Stauber sure knows how to vote “no.”

In the last six years Pete has been in Congress, he has consistently voted “no” on legislation most Minnesotans care deeply about: affordable healthcare, lowering the cost of insulin, protecting Americans with pre-existing health conditions, preserving Social Security and Medicare, calling out fuel price gouging, expanding healthcare to veterans who were exposed to burn pits and other toxins during military service.

When Pete votes yes, it is equally disastrous for Minnesotans. He supported cuts to Head Start programs and cutting $6 million in funding from schools in our district.

Pete has not respected the concerns of his constituents and actively voted against them.  

You can say “no” to Pete with your vote on Nov. 5.  

Lucy Grina, Two Harbors

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