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Letter to the Editor: There's a worthy trio in Carlton race

I would like to endorse and recommend Ben Nilsen, Ryan Leonzal and Dan Solarz for Carlton school board. Our current board has done a good job of brainstorming, thinking outside the box and implementing new ideas in an attempt to increase enrollment. There are great things happening at the high school and elementary, but we need students to increase revenue.

I feel consolidation with Wrenshall is the best option and the current board members have been unable to make any progress with this.

The fact that the four-day school week was passed in about a three-week time frame tells me that if the superintendent and board wants something, they can obviously get it done. Ben, Ryan and Dan have children in the district so know firsthand what the current needs are in Carlton schools. They are vested in prioritizing students and doing what is best to help the district thrive.

I have seen unprofessional behavior from board members at recent school board meetings. I also feel it is financially irresponsible to offer a year-long severance package with benefits if a staff member loses their job to consolidation. Hearing the superintendent and board members approached Barnum about consolidation is mind boggling. Why would they think that would be any easier of a transition? For these reasons, I believe that it is time for a change. Vote for Ben, Ryan and Dan.

Rachel Swanson, Carlton

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